Lead Generation Landing Pages: What You Need to Know

As project manager for all our telecom websites, I often hear this question: What is a landing page?

Here’s the simplest explanation: a landing page is the first page that a user visits when they arrive at your site from somewhere else. It could be your homepage, or it could be your SD-WAN solutions page that ranks on the first page of Google. (Yay, SEO!)

However, most people want to know what a landing page can do for them in the context of a telecom marketing lead generation campaign. Here’s the answer: a landing page is a standalone page, often unlinked from anywhere else on your site, that has the sole purpose of driving leads.

Do I need a lead generation landing page?

This is the question I most often hear after the first question. And we all want more leads, right?

Don’t waste hard-earned time and money by sending prospects to a page that isn’t optimized for their specific needs or for the value you  can provide through your specific offer. If you want more leads, you need a lead generation landing page.

Okay. What does my landing page need to have?

Think about your lead generation landing page as a one-sided sales conversation, all condensed into a single page. From the content to the design, everything about the page should be absolutely essential to the prospect’s understanding of who you are and how you can help.

Here’s what we always include in our landing page strategy:

  • A detailed understanding of your reader. Who is your easiest sale? What are they most interested in? Use your buyer personas to dig a little deeper and determine who you want on your landing page.
  • Your reader’s specific pain points. Whether they need more visibility into their network or need to cut costs, everyone’s looking for a solution to something. Figure out what’s most important to them and build the offer around that.
  • A clear call to action. Make it easy for your reader to understand what they’ll get when they submit their lead information to you. Is it a free download, discount, quote, demo, or something else?
  • A lack of distraction. A lead generation landing page often won’t have a regular menu or footer because additional links can create confusion and take people away from the landing page before they’ve submitted to your offer. 
  • Compelling design. Keep things simple and clear, and use design principles to guide the reader through the page to your call to action. Our web design tips for lead generation can help, or you can ask us to do this for you!

How many landing pages do I need?

At the bare minimum, you’ll need at least one landing page for every lead generation campaign that you’re running. As we’ve covered, landing pages are at their most effective when they’re tailored to a specific offer. For example, if you’ve created an eBook, an informational video, and are collecting sign-ups for a webinar, you’ll want a landing page for each of those three things.

Depending on your needs, though, a single landing page may not be enough.

Consider a hypothetical lead generation campaign in which we’re driving eBook downloads. We’re promoting the landing page via:

  • A PPC campaign that targets people searching for keywords related to “telecom marketing.”
  • An email campaign sent to people tagged as “MSPs.”
  • A LinkedIn social campaign that targets people who own or have leadership positions in telecom companies.

Though all of these different audiences will be interested in our eBook, we may see better results if we create versions of our main landing page that speak directly to those different targets. For example:

  • The PPC campaign’s targeted landing page can use “telecom marketing” in the copy, to help resonate with what they’re searching for.
  • The email campaign’s targeted landing page can speak directly to MSPs’ pain points and directly call out their place in the industry.
  • The LinkedIn social campaign’s targeted landing page can address the struggles of the leadership team and make mention of spearheading their business.

Use the data you gleaned from conducting your buyer persona research to determine whether the needs of your different audiences are diverse enough to justify targeted landing pages with different copy.

Ready to get started?

We’re just scratching the surface of all that you can do with lead generation landing pages; stay tuned for a follow-up blog that goes into targeting in more detail!

In the meantime, if you need help coordinating your campaign, nailing down your landing page strategy, or anything and everything telecom marketing, we’ve got your back. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you see the results you need from future lead generation campaigns.

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